Knitting in Libraries


In Ontario, a public library decided to get rid of all arts and crafts. This specifically hurt a knitting group for young girls that was taken off the schedule of events. The article is here.

I found out about this from Stephanie Pearl-McPhee’s knitting blog.

I personally believe that anything that brings kids into the library–even video games–is worthwhile. I think that they are going to be more likely to check out books or check out different books when they’re there for an activity than they would be if they were just coming to the library on their own. Some public librarians that I know say this is true because they get to give recommendations to the kids and see what they’re reading because the kids are interacting with the librarians and not just wandering the stacks on their own looking for books.

I don’t disagree with the library manager though because their library has their own missions and it is focusing on literacy. She even says that if they made it into a book club where they knit and discussed a book then it would be more appropriate.  Each library has to determine how their funds are going to best fill the needs of the community.

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